If your interest is Bible prophecy, this Study can serve you as its first step. We won’t burden you with elaborate grammar, but rather focus on important words and concepts illuminating the prophecies in a Hebrew light. Every Hebrew word in this Study, is delivered with transliteration (Hebrew words spelled out with English characters), with slowly narrated sound, and most importantly, with proper translation, coupled with complete proofs that every English speaker can understand. We don’t use hypotheses and far-fetched speculations, just the original Hebrew Bible and simple, basic language examples. This Study also includes these multimedia Trainers: 500 Crown Jewels of Hebrew Idioms, Alphabet Table, Calendars, Jewish Holidays, Genesis 1 reading Practice, and more — each with slowly speaking audio. I hope that you find this Study and the Trainers useful and joyful alike.
Danny Ben-Gigi, Hebrew World Inc., AZ. September 2019
Introduction (continued)
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Under Hebrew Light
irresponsibly interpreted. After all, the Bible was written for us, the ordinary people, and not for an exclusive group of computer wizards, Kabalah sages, and fortune tellers, with all due respect for the first two groups.
There is little doubt that the Bible was written in order to be read and understood. However, the dark days when only a few possessed the skill of reading have long gone and we can rely more and more on our own comprehension.
There are two main angles from which we can approach the Bible and prophecy in particular: the scholastic and the spiritual/emotional. We all search for our own place in the Great Kingdom of Heaven, right here on earth. Whether we want it or not, we’re all subject to God’s 'big picture’ and His rules that affect our lives. Rules, not laws. We can pick and choose laws we want to follow. We even have the power and, as understood by many, the authority to break some laws. However, we can’t break God’s rules - they are bound to break us. These are the rules that constitute the entire Kingdom’s existence
Unlike a completed and sealed book, this Prophetic Study is an ongoing project. New subjects are being added every week, expanding the horizon of prophetic words and concepts that suffer from generations of inaccurate translations. It touches upon subjects that were on your mind and heart for years and upon others that you've never given a second thought. You took their translations for granted. As you read, you’ll be surprised to discover an amazing fine line that deeply interconnects the two Books of the Covenant. This connection is achieved by the wonderful light that the Hebrew language shines upon Scriptures. This Study casts doubt on erroneous Bible translations, but has no intention to challenge the truthfulness of the Bible. Rather, its purpose is to sharpen the understanding of words and concepts by placing them under a Hebrew measuring rod. Usually those wouldn't be easy to notice in English for the lack of comparison text and a frame of reference. This latter in turn, allow a new understanding of prophetic truths that cannot be obtained just by English-based research and thought. Under the framework of this Hebrew Prophetic
Under Hebrew Light
By Dr. Danny Ben-GigiFormer Director of Hebrew Programs at Arizona State University
Published by Hebrew World Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona
Copyright © 2019-2022 by Hebrew World Inc. All rights reserved ®
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Supplemental reading & Hebrew programs: http://www.hebrew1.com
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Under Hebrew Light
Copyright ©2019-2022 by Hebrew World Inc.
Hebrew/English Study tool with phonetics and audio
study we could not leave out some essential topics that were introduced in our book God's Secrets Only Hebrew can Reveal. These topics include core concepts in prophetic studies and were necessary for the scope of this work. We've chosen to add them rather than keeping them out. Many of these topics were extended and modified so that, instead of adding them to a new printed edition of the book, we made them available right here especially for new readers.
We must stress that everything we understand about prophecy should be characterized as: ‘to the best of our understanding.’ This relates to everything written in this project. Although we used very careful research procedures and adhered tightly to the original Hebrew, there is still a chance that we erred in our comprehension of the hidden cues and clues that go beyond the words.
On the other hand, we and you, the reader, ought to be cautious not to be carried away to the other extreme which views every other word in Scripture as a treasure chest of mystical or hidden messages which are often
and our place in it. Obviously, there are those who call it cosmos or universe and are feverishly racing against the clock to break its code. They must be thinking that they can do a better job than the initial Maker in reorganizing it.
As believers, we are all troubled by questions such as: “How can we better understand His Word?” “What’s in store for us as individuals?” “When will we be saved, and how?” This is exactly what many hope to learn from Bible prophecies. We believe that the truth is in them. But what does the title ‘Understanding Bible Prophecies’ really mean? How can we navigate between so many Bibles with so many translation differences? Why and how should we choose one Bible over another? By ease of reading? By family traditions?
The answer lays in getting as close as possible to the source, Hebrew. The truth ought to be said: most English Bibles are second or third generation of translation, including the early KJV, and therefore include inevitable inaccuracies that may be quite dramatic. Thus, every person who cares for precision and accuracy should consider taking a step towards learning Hebrew or at least learning the basics we make available with this Study.
Yeshua, Jesus, prophesying the destruction of the Temple
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